Legal Notice
This website is the property of France de Hauteclocque
Website manager : France de Hauteclocque
Created by : Alsétic, 20 rue du Village 67310 Dangolsheim, France
Webmaster and internet consultan: Alsétic
Hosting : OVH, 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix, France
The website, was not created to collect personal data from users. However, in the future it might collect information for incidental purposes only, notably to send an newsletter, to access an eventual forum or for statistical surveys.
Users are hereby informed that they have a right to access, modify or delete any information relative to themselves (art.34 and following from the law of the 6 January 1978 « computers and freedom »). This right may be used by contacting the website manager.
Intellectual Property
The overall structure including but not limited to, the texts, images, sounds, graphics, downloadable documents, database and all other components of the website are the property of
This website is subjected to French and international legislation concerning copyright and intellectual property. Unless informed otherwise, all reproduction rights are reserved, including downloadable documents, iconographic representations and photographs.
Exceptions :
- The stretching chair included in the head banner is published under licence Creative commons partager - remixer 2.0.
- The dune picture included in the head banner is published under licence Creative Commons paternité – partage à l’identique 3.0.
- The gift pack included in the head banner is published under public domain.
Hyperlinks declines all responsibilities regarding the content available on other websites towards which there has been created links unknowingly. The access to any other websites linked to this website is at the user's own risk.
Applicable law
These terms of agreements are registered, interpreted and applied under French law. In case of litigation, French tribunals are sole competent entities.